Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Enders and Coronation Street. These are popular dramas about the lives of ordinary people. There are usually three to five episodes each week. There are also web sites for all the main soap operas. These have got information about the actors and stories from future episodes. EastEnders is set in the east end of London and has been broadcast since 1985. Coronation Street is based in Manchester and it is the oldest soap.
Supermarkets are an important part of daily life in Britain. The five biggest supermarkets. Tesco is the biggest. It s got nearly 2,000 shops in Britain and is the third biggest supermarket in the world. There are many more supermarkets now than 20 years ago. A lot of people now use online shopping. Tesco Online delivers over 100,000 orders each week in Britain and Sainsbury-s delivers 30,000. But not everyone likes supermarkets. Small shops in towns and villages are closing because supermarkets can sell the same things cheaper. As a result, the big supermarkets have started to open small shops in town and city centres. Many supermarkets are open 24 hoys a day and seven days a week.

The most famous polive station in Britain is New Scotland Yard in London, but there are polive stations all over the country. For most people the police are the face of the law. They can arrest people in the street, but they also give information. We visited a new polive station in Lewisham, an area in south-esast London. A suspected criminal is being charged with a crime. Next they take fingerprints to check the person s identity. This machine scans fingerprints electronically and compares them with the national polive database. Suspects can be kept in the cells at the police station for several hours.
People like to be scared. They love readin horror stories and watching horror movies. Some of the most famous horror stories were written by British writers.
Ther first was published by Mary Shelley in 1818- Frankenstein. There ares some films about Frankenstein. Other popular horror character is Dracula, it was a vampire created in 1897 by the Irish writer Bran Stoker.
In England no town is more than 170 kilometres from the sea. So it's no surprise that Britain has a very important history of ships and the sea. The British Navy was the biggest navy in the world at one time. In Liverpool there is a great museum of maritime history. It's got several ships in the docks outside. Inside it shows what it was like to be on some of the ships. Ships like this one- the Cutty Sark at Greenwich in London brought tea from India to Britain. Between 1830 and 1930, more than nine million people from all over Europe left from the port of Liverpool to start a new life in America or Australia. The sinking of the Titanic was a terrible maritime desaster. The Queen Mary 2 is the world's biggest cruise ship.
He leaves his bike at the station and gets on a train. Trains travel into London from all over the country. 1.8 million people travel into the centre of London be train every day. These are computer- contrlled trains with no drivers. For many people, the journey by train takes them to a convenient Underground station. Freddoe catches a bus for the last part of his journey. As well as the famous red double-decker buses, London has now got double-length buses-called 'bendy buses' because of the way they fo round corners.

Computers are a very important part of our lives. Thery tell us abourt delays to transport. They drive trains, analyse evidence and control buildings. Computers are a very important part of most areas of life in Britain- librarie, the polive and in school.
Sometimes, we just don't felt well. Some people have medical insurance but most people can't afford it and reply on the National Helath Service, the NHS. This is provided gobernement in Britain. The NHS has send everybody in Britain a Self-Help Guide. This will help you diagnose what is worng and find the best treatment.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Quiz 9

1- Name these famous characters from British Legends.
- In order: Robin Hood, the Loch Ness monster and King Arthur -
2- In wich country does this animal (point to Loch Ness Monster) supposedly live?
- Scotland -

- Nottingham -
Bonus Question:
Name another person connected to this character (point to King Arthur)?
- Queen Guinevere, Sir Lancelot, the Wizard Merlin, Sir Galahad... -

The first sighting of the Loch Ness monster was over 1.500 years ago. So if it exists , it is either very old or there is an entire family of monsters!

1Match each symbol with its country. (1 point each)
·1. rose: England 2.leek: Wales 3. thistle: Scotland 4.shamrock: Ireland·
2 Which animal represents England?
a. horse b. eagle c. lion d. bear (1point)
-c. lion -

3 What mythical creature can you see onthe Welsh flag? (1 point)
-a dragon -
Bonus Question
The flag of the UK has a special name. What is it called? (1 point)

a. Big Jack b. Jack Frost c. The Union Jack
-c. The Union Jack-

Scotland, Wales and Ireland have got their own languages, but very few people speak them. 300.000 people speak Welsh , 100.000 people speak Irish Gaelic and only 58.000 people speak Scottish Gaelic.

1. These are the two most famous universities in the UK (point to pictures 1 and 2). Name them. (1 point each)
·1.Oxford 2. Cambridge·

a. Aguard is on duty. b. A flag is flying. c. Alightis on.
·b. A flag is flying.·
3This mountain is the highst in the UK. It is called Ben Nevis (point to picture 4). Which country is it in? ( 1 point)
What kind of race do Oxford and Cambridge University have every year? (1 point)
·a boat race·
Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in the UK at 1.343 metres,is very low compared to the highest Spanish mountains. (For example, El Teide in Tenerife is 3.780 metres.)
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Quiz 6 SPORT

2 Each person comes from a different country.
3 This actress (point to Catherine Zeta-Jones) married a famous American actor. What is his name? ( 1 point)
-Michael Douglas-
Bonus Question
Quiz 4 MUSIC


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

1. Who are these kings and queens? (1 point each)
·1-Victoria 2-Henry VIII 3-Elizabeth II·
2.How many wives did this king (oint to King Henry VIII) have?
And how many were Spanish? (1 point each)
·six, one (Catherine of Aragon)·
3.This woman is the Queen of England today (point to Queen Elizabeth II). Who will be the next king or queen? (1 point)
·Prince Charles·
1.Name the four countries of the United Kingdom.(1 point each)
#1-England 2-Scotland 3-Wales 4-Northen Ireland#
2.Name the flour capitals of the UK countries.(1 point each)
#London,Edinburg, Cardigg,Belfast#
3.What is the name of the sea that separates the UK from France? (1 point)
#The English Channel#
What is the population of the UK? (1 point)
a. 20 million b. 40 million c. 60 million
#c. 60 million#
Spain is more than twice the size of the UK, but has 20 million FEWER people. (Spain: 500.000 km2 /UK: 245,000 km2 Spain: 40 million/ UK: 60 million)
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
The United Kingdom

5.Name a river in London.
#River Thames#
6.Which island are north of Scotland?
#Orking Island.#
7.Which sea separates England from Ireland?
#Irish sea#
8.Name a city in Scotland.
2.Circle the correct answer.
1. Wales is north/ south/ east/ west of England.
2.The English Channel is north/ south/ east/ west of England.
The word parliament comes from the French verb parler, to talk. Ther British have used this name since the 13th century. It represents the idea that the monarch should talk with and listen to ordinary people.The British Parliament has developed wver hundreds of years. It started with a group of the nonarch and two houses of Parliament-the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Commons has got 646 members, known as Members of Parliament(MPs). Local residets vote for an MP to represent them. The House of Lords consists of noblemen. Until recently, membership to the House of Lors passed from father to son- when a nobleman died, his place in the House. At the beginning of the 20th century, the monarchy and the House of Lords began to get weaker. In 199, the House of Lords Act changed the parliamentary system so that most nobles lost their right to sit and vote in the House.Instead, people receive titles from the Queen for their contribution to society and it isn't a hereditary honour any more to sit in the House.Over the years, Parliament has become more representatives of the people. Today, everyone over the age of 18 has got the right to vote for an MP to represent them in Parliament.
1.Answer the questions.
1.What is the root of the word parliament?
#I the form the French verb parler, to talk#
2.What was the job of the earliest Parliament?
#It reperesents the idea that the moarch should talk with and listen tot ordiary people#
3.How does someone become an MP?
#The local residents vote MP#
4.How did the House of Lords Act change the parliamentary system?
#Most nobles last their right sit and vote in the house#
5.From what age can people in Britain vote?
#At the age of 18#