1. Look at the map of the United Kingdom and answer the questions, using the key to help you.
1.Wich countries make up the United Kingdom?
#Northen, Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales.#
2. Wich country is north of England?
3.In which countru is Mount Snowdon?
# Wales#
4.What is the capotal city of Northen Ireland?
5.Name a river in London.
#River Thames#
6.Which island are north of Scotland?
#Orking Island.#
7.Which sea separates England from Ireland?
#Irish sea#
8.Name a city in Scotland.
2.Circle the correct answer.
1. Wales is north/ south/ east/ west of England.
2.The English Channel is north/ south/ east/ west of England.
The word parliament comes from the French verb parler, to talk. Ther British have used this name since the 13th century. It represents the idea that the monarch should talk with and listen to ordinary people.The British Parliament has developed wver hundreds of years. It started with a group of the nonarch and two houses of Parliament-the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Commons has got 646 members, known as Members of Parliament(MPs). Local residets vote for an MP to represent them. The House of Lords consists of noblemen. Until recently, membership to the House of Lors passed from father to son- when a nobleman died, his place in the House. At the beginning of the 20th century, the monarchy and the House of Lords began to get weaker. In 199, the House of Lords Act changed the parliamentary system so that most nobles lost their right to sit and vote in the House.Instead, people receive titles from the Queen for their contribution to society and it isn't a hereditary honour any more to sit in the House.Over the years, Parliament has become more representatives of the people. Today, everyone over the age of 18 has got the right to vote for an MP to represent them in Parliament.
1.Answer the questions.
1.What is the root of the word parliament?
#I the form the French verb parler, to talk#
2.What was the job of the earliest Parliament?
#It reperesents the idea that the moarch should talk with and listen tot ordiary people#
3.How does someone become an MP?
#The local residents vote MP#
4.How did the House of Lords Act change the parliamentary system?
#Most nobles last their right sit and vote in the house#
5.From what age can people in Britain vote?
#At the age of 18#